Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Skills for Education and Employment Program

The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program delivers free language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills (LLND) training to eligible Australians.

The SEE Program is available across metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia. Training will be offered in two distinct and complementary training delivery streams:

  • General SEE Delivery: training of individuals by contracted training providers. This stream offers both accredited and non-accredited training, provides more support for learners and includes workplace-based training options.
  • SEE First Nations: a new stream dedicated to whole of community skills training delivery to First Nations people. SEE First Nations grants will fund First Nations organisations including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), registered training organisations (RTOs), Adult Community Education (ACE) providers or peak bodies (applying on behalf of their eligible members) to design training to suit their needs.


The Grant Opportunity Guidelines for the SEE First Nations Grants are available via Grant Connect.

Current Rounds